Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fusiderm b , fusiderm b


Arista Clinic Iniezione ฉีด สิว infiammazione acne ฉีด แผลเป็น นูน ipertrofica Scarlinjection รักษา สิว เลเซอร์ IPL เฉพาะ จุด เลเซอร์ IPL หน้า ขาว ใส เลเซอร์ IPL + RF + ไวท์ เท น นิ่ง มา ร์ ก เลเซอร์ กำจัด ขน เลเซอร์ รักษา ฟ้า กระ ลบรอย สัก เลเซอร์ ยก กระชับ สัดส่วน เลเซอร์ ลด เส้นเลือด ขอ ด ฉีด โบ ท็ อก ซ์ (Botox) ปรับ รูป หน้า รักษา รอย เหี่ยว ย่น ลด กราม ลด กราม ลด น่อง กำจัด กลิ่น กาย ลด ปีก จมูก บาน ฉีด สาร เติม เต็ม ริ้ว รอย (Filler) จมูก คาง ร่อง แก้ม แก้ม ตอบ ร้อย ไหม ปรับ หน้า V FORMA ยก กระชับ ใบหน้า Make Over (Botox + Filler + เลเซอร์ + ร้อย ไหม) ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก ดอก Camomilla ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก คอ ล ลา เจน ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก ไข่มุก ไวท์ เท น นิ่ง ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก วิตามิน ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก รักษา สิว ผิว มัน ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก เพื่อ ผิว ขาว กระจ่าง ใส ท รี ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก เพิ่ม ความ ชุ่มชื้น ผิว ที ท เม้น ท์ มา ส์ ก บำรุง ผิว ด้วย CoQ10- สาหร่าย แดง ท รี ท เม้น ท์ ลด รอย ดำ ฝ้า กระ ท รี ท เม้น ท์ ลด ริ้ว รอย ร่อง ลึก ท รี ท เม้น ท์ ส เต็ม เซลล์ เพื่อ สร้าง ผิว ใหม่ ที่ อ่อน เยาว์ ท รี ท เม้น ท์ ทองคำ ลบรอย หมอง คล้ำ เม โส เท อ รา ปี โดย ไม่ พึ่ง เข็ม ฉีดยา สัก คิ้ว คิ้ว 3 มิติ สัก ขอบ ปาก HOT LINE 081 859 4900 Joomla! Console di debug Applicazione 0,116 secondi (+0.115); 5.78 MB (+4.931) - afterInitialise Applicazione 0,133 secondi (+0.017); 6.58 MB (+0.796) - afterRoute Applicazione 0.264 secondi (+0.131); 10.70 MB (+4.116) - afterDispatch Applicazione 0.292 secondi (+0.028); 11.00 MB (0,302) - beforeRenderModule mod_abiviaautocopy (Abivia Auto-Copyright) Applicazione 0.294 secondi (+0.002); 11.04 MB (+0.036) - mod_abiviaautocopy afterRenderModule (Abivia Auto-Copyright) Applicazione 0.294 secondi (+0.000); 11.03 MB (-0,002) - beforeRenderModule mod_custom (mappa del sito) Applicazione 0,297 secondi (+0.003); 11.04 MB (0,008) - afterRenderModule mod_custom (mappa del sito) Applicazione 0,297 secondi (+0.000); 11.04 MB (-0.001) - beforeRenderModule mod_articles_latest (Arista News) Applicazione 0.301 secondi (+0.004); 11.12 MB (+0.078) - afterRenderModule mod_articles_latest (Arista News) Applicazione 0.301 secondi (+0.000); 11.11 MB di (-0,004) - beforeRenderModule mod_articles_latest (Tips Salute) Applicazione 0,311 secondi (+0.009); 11.54 MB (+0.431) - afterRenderModule mod_articles_latest (Tips Salute) Applicazione 0,311 secondi (+0.000); 11.38 MB (-0.165) - beforeRenderModule mod_swmenufree (swMenuFree) Applicazione 0,326 secondi (0,015); 12.97 MB (1,591) - afterRenderModule mod_swmenufree (swMenuFree) Applicazione 0,326 secondi (+0.000); 12,91 MB (-0,058) - beforeRenderModule mod_custom (logo) Applicazione 0,327 secondi (+0.001); 12.92 MB (0,004) - afterRenderModule mod_custom (logo) Applicazione 0.337 secondi (+0.011); 13.02 MB (+0.104) - AfterRender การ ใช้ งาน หน่วย ความ จำ 12.93 MB (13,558,368 Byte) Le query di database 25 Query Logged SELEZIONA `data` da` `sz3jp_session dove` session_id` = 'f064a7364e694e716c3b9230807a10a6' DELETE FROM `` sz3jp_session dove `time` & lt; '1474594431' SELEZIONA `session_id` da` `sz3jp_session dove` LIMITE session_id` = 'f064a7364e694e716c3b9230807a10a6' 0, 1 INSERT INTO `sz3jp_session` ( `session_id`,` client_id`, `time`) VALORI ( 'f064a7364e694e716c3b9230807a10a6', 0, '1.474.595,331 mila') SELEZIONA EXTENSION_ID AS id, elemento di AS & quot; opzione & quot ;, params attivabile da sz3jp_extensions dove `type` = 'componente' e` element` = 'com_users' SELEZIONE b. id DA sz3jp_usergroups come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_usergroups AS b ON b. lft & lt; = A. lft E b. rgt & gt; = A. rgt DOVE a. id = 1 SELECT id, governa da `` sz3jp_viewlevels cartella selezionata come tipo, come elemento nome, params DA sz3jp_extensions se abilitato & gt; = 1 e tipo = 'plug-in' e lo stato & gt; = 0 e accesso IN (1,1) ORDER BY ordinare SELEZIONA EXTENSION_ID AS id, elemento di AS & quot; opzione & quot ;, params attivabile da sz3jp_extensions dove `type` = 'componente' e` element` = 'com_languages' SELEZIONE m. id, m. menutype, m. title, m. alias, m. note, m. path AS percorso, m. link, m. type, m. level, m. language, m. browserNav, m. access , m. params, m. home, m. img, m. template_style_id, m. component_id, m. parent_id, e. element come componente dalla sz3jp_menu AS m LEFT JOIN sz3jp_extensions come e ON m. component_id = e. extension_id dove m. pubblicato = 1, m. parent_id & gt; 0 E m. client_id = 0 ORDER BY m. lft SELEZIONA EXTENSION_ID AS id, elemento di AS & quot; opzione & quot ;, params attivabile da sz3jp_extensions dove `type` = 'componente' e` element` = 'com_content' SELECT * FROM WHERE sz3jp_languages ​​pubblicato = 1 ORDER BY ordinazione ASC SELECT id, casa, modello, s. params DA sz3jp_template_styles come s LEFT JOIN sz3jp_extensions l'e ON e. element = s. template E e. type = 'modello' E e. client_id = s. client_id DOVE s. client_id = 0 e e. enabled = 1 a. rules SELECT da sz3jp_assets come WHERE (a. id = 1) GROUP BY a. id, a. rules, a. lft b. rules SELECT da sz3jp_assets come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_assets AS b ON b. lft & lt; = A. lft E b. rgt & gt; = A. rgt WHERE (a. name = 'com_content') GROUP BY b. id, b. rules, b. lft ORDER BY b. lft SELEZIONE a. id, a. title, a. alias, a. title_alias, a. introtext, a. checked_out, a. checked_out_time, a. catid, a. created, a. created_by, a. created_by_alias, CASO QUANDO a. modified = 0 allora a. created END ELSE a. modified come modificato, a. modified_by, uam. name come modified_by_name, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up FINE come publish_up, a. publish_down, a. images , a. urls, a. attribs, a. metadata, a. metakey, a. metadesc, a. access, a. hits, a. xreference, a. featured, LUNGHEZZA (a. fulltext) AS readmore, CASO QUANDO badcats. id non è nullo ALLORA 0 END ELSE a. state AS stato, c. title AS category_title, c. path AS category_route, c. access AS category_access, c. alias AS category_alias, caso in cui a. created_by_alias & gt; '' Poi fine a. created_by_alias ELSE ua. name come autore, ua. email AS email_autore, (SELECT MAX (contact. id) AS id DA sz3jp_contact_details AS contatto in cui contact. published = 1, contact. user_id = a. created_by) come contactID, parent. title come PARENT_TITLE, parent. id come parent_id, parent. path come parent_route, parent. alias come parent_alias, ROUND (v. rating_sum / v. rating_count, 0) AS voto, v. rating_count come rating_count, c. published , CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA c. published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published DA sz3jp_content come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories AS c ON c. id = a. catid LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS ua ON ua. id = a. created_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS uam ON uam. id = a. modified_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come genitore ON parent. id = c. parent_id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_content_rating AS v ON a. id = v. content_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ISCRIVITI sz3jp_categories AS genitore ON cat. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt DOVE parent. extension = 'com_content' E parent. published! = 1 GROUP BY cat. id) AS badcats ON badcats. id = c. id INNER JOIN sz3jp_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp. content_id = a. id DOVE a. access IN (1,1) E c. access IN (1,1 ) e CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA a. state ELSE 0 END = 1 AND (a. publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O a. publish_up & lt; = '2016/09/23 01 : 48: 52 ') e (a. publish_down =' 0000-00-00 00:00:00 'O a. publish_down & gt; =' 2016/09/23 01:48:52 ') e a. catid IN ( 8,9,10,11,16,17,18,19,12,13,14,15,20,23) ORDER BY c. lft, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up END . a. created DESC LIMIT 0, 10 SELEZIONE a. id, a. title, a. alias, a. title_alias, a. introtext, a. checked_out, a. checked_out_time, a. catid, a. created, a. created_by, a. created_by_alias, CASO QUANDO a. modified = 0 allora a. created END ELSE a. modified come modificato, a. modified_by, uam. name come modified_by_name, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up FINE come publish_up, a. publish_down, a. images , a. urls, a. attribs, a. metadata, a. metakey, a. metadesc, a. access, a. hits, a. xreference, a. featured, LUNGHEZZA (a. fulltext) AS readmore, CASO QUANDO badcats. id non è nullo ALLORA 0 END ELSE a. state AS stato, c. title AS category_title, c. path AS category_route, c. access AS category_access, c. alias AS category_alias, caso in cui a. created_by_alias & gt; '' Poi fine a. created_by_alias ELSE ua. name come autore, ua. email AS email_autore, (SELECT MAX (contact. id) AS id DA sz3jp_contact_details AS contatto in cui contact. published = 1, contact. user_id = a. created_by) come contactID, parent. title come PARENT_TITLE, parent. id come parent_id, parent. path come parent_route, parent. alias come parent_alias, ROUND (v. rating_sum / v. rating_count, 0) AS voto, v. rating_count come rating_count, c. published , CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA c. published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published DA sz3jp_content come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories AS c ON c. id = a. catid LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS ua ON ua. id = a. created_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS uam ON uam. id = a. modified_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come genitore ON parent. id = c. parent_id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_content_rating AS v ON a. id = v. content_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ISCRIVITI sz3jp_categories AS genitore ON cat. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt DOVE parent. extension = 'com_content' E parent. published! = 1 GROUP BY cat. id) AS badcats ON badcats. id = c. id INNER JOIN sz3jp_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp. content_id = a. id DOVE a. access IN (1,1) E c. access IN (1,1 ) e CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA a. state ELSE 0 END = 1 AND (a. publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O a. publish_up & lt; = '2016/09/23 01 : 48: 52 ') e (a. publish_down =' 0000-00-00 00:00:00 'O a. publish_down & gt; =' 2016/09/23 01:48:52 ') e a. catid IN ( 8,9,10,11,16,17,18,19,12,13,14,15,20,23) ORDER BY c. lft, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up END . a. created DESC SELEZIONE m. id, m. title, m. module, m. position, m. content, m. showtitle, m. params, mm. menuid DA sz3jp_modules AS m LEFT JOIN sz3jp_modules_menu AS mm ON mm. moduleid = m. id SINISTRA ISCRIVITI sz3jp_extensions come e ON e. element = m. module e e. client_id = m. client_id DOVE m. published = 1, e. enabled = 1 AND (m. publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O m. publish_up & lt; = '2016/09/23 01:48:52') e (m. publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O m. publish_down & gt; = '2016-09- 23 1:48:52 ') e m. access IN (1,1) e m. client_id = 0 e (mm. menuid = 101 o mm. menuid & lt; = 0) ORDER BY m. position, m. ordering SELEZIONE a. id, a. title, a. alias, a. title_alias, a. introtext, a. checked_out, a. checked_out_time, a. catid, a. created, a. created_by, a. created_by_alias, CASO QUANDO a. modified = 0 allora a. created END ELSE a. modified come modificato, a. modified_by, uam. name come modified_by_name, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up FINE come publish_up, a. publish_down, a. images , a. urls, a. attribs, a. metadata, a. metakey, a. metadesc, a. access, a. hits, a. xreference, a. featured, LUNGHEZZA (a. fulltext) AS readmore, CASO QUANDO badcats. id non è nullo ALLORA 0 END ELSE a. state AS stato, c. title AS category_title, c. path AS category_route, c. access AS category_access, c. alias AS category_alias, caso in cui a. created_by_alias & gt; '' Poi fine a. created_by_alias ELSE ua. name come autore, ua. email AS email_autore, (SELECT MAX (contact. id) AS id DA sz3jp_contact_details AS contatto in cui contact. published = 1, contact. user_id = a. created_by) come contactID, parent. title come PARENT_TITLE, parent. id come parent_id, parent. path come parent_route, parent. alias come parent_alias, ROUND (v. rating_sum / v. rating_count, 0) AS voto, v. rating_count come rating_count, c. published , CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA c. published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published DA sz3jp_content come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp. content_id = a. id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories AS c ON c. id = a. catid LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS ua ON ua. id = a. created_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS uam ON uam. id = a. modified_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come genitore ON parent. id = c. parent_id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_content_rating AS v ON a. id = v. content_id SINISTRA outer join (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ENTRA sz3jp_categories AS genitore ON cat. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt DOVE parent. extension = 'com_content' E parent. published! = 1 GROUP BY cat. id) AS badcats ON badcats. id = c. id DOVE a. access IN (1,1) E c. access IN (1,1) E CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA a. state ELSE 0 END = 1, a. catid IN (21) e (a. publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O a. publish_up & lt; = '2016/09/23 01:48:52' ) AND (a. publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O a. publish_down & gt; = '2016/09/23 01:48:52') ORDER BY a. created DESC LIMIT 0, 5 SELEZIONE a. id, a. title, a. alias, a. title_alias, a. introtext, a. checked_out, a. checked_out_time, a. catid, a. created, a. created_by, a. created_by_alias, CASO QUANDO a. modified = 0 allora a. created END ELSE a. modified come modificato, a. modified_by, uam. name come modified_by_name, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up FINE come publish_up, a. publish_down, a. images , a. urls, a. attribs, a. metadata, a. metakey, a. metadesc, a. access, a. hits, a. xreference, a. featured, LUNGHEZZA (a. fulltext) AS readmore, CASO QUANDO badcats. id non è nullo ALLORA 0 END ELSE a. state AS stato, c. title AS category_title, c. path AS category_route, c. access AS category_access, c. alias AS category_alias, caso in cui a. created_by_alias & gt; '' Poi fine a. created_by_alias ELSE ua. name come autore, ua. email AS email_autore, (SELECT MAX (contact. id) AS id DA sz3jp_contact_details AS contatto in cui contact. published = 1, contact. user_id = a. created_by) come contactID, parent. title come PARENT_TITLE, parent. id come parent_id, parent. path come parent_route, parent. alias come parent_alias, ROUND (v. rating_sum / v. rating_count, 0) AS voto, v. rating_count come rating_count, c. published , CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA c. published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published DA sz3jp_content come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp. content_id = a. id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories AS c ON c. id = a. catid LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS ua ON ua. id = a. created_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_users AS uam ON uam. id = a. modified_by LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come genitore ON parent. id = c. parent_id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_content_rating AS v ON a. id = v. content_id SINISTRA outer join (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ENTRA sz3jp_categories AS genitore ON cat. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt DOVE parent. extension = 'com_content' E parent. published! = 1 GROUP BY cat. id) AS badcats ON badcats. id = c. id DOVE a. access IN (1,1) E c. access IN (1,1) E CASO QUANDO badcats. id è nullo ALLORA a. state ELSE 0 END = 1, a. catid IN (22) e (a. publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O a. publish_up & lt; = '2016/09/23 01:48:52' ) AND (a. publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' O a. publish_down & gt; = '2016/09/23 01:48:52') ORDER BY a. created DESC LIMIT 0, 5 c SELECT. *. CASO QUANDO CHAR_LENGTH (c. alias) THEN CONCAT_WS ( ':', c. id, c. alias) END ELSE c. id come lumaca DA sz3jp_categories come c LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come S ON (s. lft & lt; = c. lft e s. rgt & gt; = c. rgt) OR (s. lft & gt; c. lft e s. rgt & lt; c. rgt) LEFT JOIN (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ENTRA sz3jp_categories AS genitore sul gatto. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt DOVE parent. extension = 'com_content' E parent. published! = 1 GROUP BY cat. id) AS badcats ON badcats. id = c. id WHERE (c. extension = 'com_content' O c. extension = 'sistema') E c. access IN (1,1) E c. published = 1, s. id = 22 E badcats. id è GROUP BY nullo c. id, c. asset_id, c. access , c. alias, c. checked_out, c. checked_out_time, c. created_time, c. created_user_id, c. description, c. extension, c. hits, c. language, Liv. cfr, c. lft, c. metadata, c. metadesc, c. metakey, c. modified_time, c. note, c. params, c. parent_id, c. path, c. published, c. rgt, c. title, ORDER BY c. modified_user_id c. lft SELECT * FROM sz3jp_swmenufree_styles dove id = 1 sz3jp_menu SELECT. * FROM WHERE sz3jp_menu sz3jp_menu. menutype = 'MainMenu' E = pubblicati '1' ORDER BY parent_id c SELECT. *. CASO QUANDO CHAR_LENGTH (c. alias) THEN CONCAT_WS ( ':', c. id, c. alias) END ELSE c. id come lumaca DA sz3jp_categories come c LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come S ON (s. lft & lt; = c. lft e s. rgt & gt; = c. rgt) OR (s. lft & gt; c. lft e s. rgt & lt; c. rgt) LEFT JOIN (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ENTRA sz3jp_categories AS genitore sul gatto. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt DOVE parent. extension = 'com_content' E parent. published! = 1 GROUP BY cat. id) AS badcats ON badcats. id = c. id WHERE (c. extension = 'com_content' O c. extension = 'sistema') E c. access IN (1,1) E c. published = 1, s. id = 21 E badcats. id è GROUP BY nullo c. id, c. asset_id, c. access , c. alias, c. checked_out, c. checked_out_time, c. created_time, c. created_user_id, c. description, c. extension, c. hits, c. language, Liv. cfr, c. lft, c. metadata, c. metadesc, c. metakey, c. modified_time, c. note, c. params, c. parent_id, c. path, c. published, c. rgt, c. title, ORDER BY c. modified_user_id c. lft AGGIORNAMENTO `sz3jp_session` SET `data` = '__default | a: 8: * \ 0data \ & quot ;; O: 8: \ & quot; stdClass \ & quot;: 0: <>> s: 4: \ & quot; utente \ & quot ;; O: 5: \ & quot; JUser \ & quot;: 25: * \ 0isRoot \ & quot ;; B: 0; s: 2: \ & quot; id \ & quot ;; i: 0; s: 4: \ & quot; nome \ & quot ;; N; s: 8: \ & quot; nomeutente \ & quot ;; N; s: 5: \ & quot; e-mail \ & quot ;; N; s: 8: \ & quot; la password \ & quot ;; N; s : 14: \ & quot; password_clear \ & quot ;; s: 0: \ & quot; \ & quot ;; s: 8: \ & quot; tipo utente \ & quot ;; N; s: 5: \ & quot; blocco \ & quot ;; N; s: 9: \ & quot; sendEmail \ & quot ;; i: 0; s: 12: \ & quot; registerDate \ & quot ;; N; s: 13: \ & quot; lastvisitDate \ & quot ;; N; s: 10: \ & quot ; attivazione \ & quot ;; N; s: 6: \ & quot; params \ & quot ;; N; s: 6: \ & quot; gruppi \ & quot ;; a: 0: <> s: 5: \ & quot; ospite \ & quot ;; i: 1; s: 13: \ & quot; lastResetTime \ & quot ;; N; s: 10: \ & quot; resetCount \ & quot ;; N; s: 10: \ & quot; \ 0 * \ 0_params \ & quot ;; O: 9: \ & quot; JRegistry \ & quot;: 1: * \ 0data \ & quot ;; O: 8: \ & quot; stdClass \ & quot;: 0: <>> s: 14: \ & quot; \ 0 * \ 0_authGroups \ & quot ;; a: 1: s: 14: \ & quot; \ 0 * \ 0_authLevels \ & quot ;; una: 2: s: 15: \ & quot; \ 0 * \ 0_authActions \ & quot ;; N; s: 12: \ & quot; \ 0 * \ 0_errorMsg \ & quot ;; N; s: 10: \ & quot; \ 0 * \ 0_errors \ & quot ;; a: 0: <> s: 3: \ & quot; aiuto \ & quot ;; i: 0; >> '. `Time` = '1474595332' dove` session_id` = 'f064a7364e694e716c3b9230807a10a6' 19 tipi di query connessi, scelte per occorrenze. Tabelle SELEZIONE: 4 × SELEZIONA a. id, a. title, a. alias, a. title_alias, a. introtext, a. checked_out, a. checked_out_time, a. catid, a. created, a. created_by, a. created_by_alias, caso in cui un. modified = 0 allora a. created END ELSE a. modified come modificato, a. modified_by, uam. name come modified_by_name, CASO QUANDO a. publish_up = 0 THEN ELSE a. created a. publish_up FINE come publish_up, a. publish_down, un. images, a. urls, a. attribs, a. metadata, a. metakey, a. metadesc, a. access, a. hits, a. xreference, a. featured, LUNGHEZZA (a. fulltext) AS readmore, CASO QUANDO badcats. id non è nullo ALLORA 0 END ELSE a. state AS stato, c. title AS category_title, c. path AS category_route, c. access AS category_access, c. alias AS category_alias, caso in cui a. created_by_alias & gt; '' Poi fine a. created_by_alias ELSE ua. name come autore, ua. email AS email_autore, (SELECT MAX (contact. id) AS id DA sz3jp_contact_details as Contatto 3 × SELEZIONA EXTENSION_ID AS id, elemento di AS & quot; opzione & quot ;, params attivabile da sz3jp_extensions 2 × SELEZIONA c. *. CASO QUANDO CHAR_LENGTH (c. alias) THEN CONCAT_WS ( ':', c. id, c. alias) END ELSE c. id come lumaca DA sz3jp_categories come c LEFT JOIN sz3jp_categories come S ON (s. lft & lt; = c. lft e s. rgt & gt; = c. rgt) OR (s. lft & gt; c. lft e s. rgt & lt; c. rgt) LEFT JOIN (SELECT cat. id come ID dal sz3jp_categories AS gatto ENTRA sz3jp_categories AS genitore sul gatto. lft TRA parent. lft E parent. rgt 1 × b. rules SELECT da sz3jp_assets come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_assets AS b ON b. lft & lt; = A. lft E b. rgt & gt; = a. rgt 1 × SELEZIONA m. id, m. title, m. module, m. position, m. content, m. showtitle, m. params, mm. menuid DA sz3jp_modules AS m SINISTRA sz3jp_modules_menu aderire come mm su mm. moduleid = m. id LEFT JOIN sz3jp_extensions come e ON e. element = m. module e e. client_id = m. client_id 1 × SELECT * FROM sz3jp_swmenufree_styles 1 × SELEZIONA sz3jp_menu. * FROM sz3jp_menu 1 × a. rules SELECT da sz3jp_assets come 1 × SELECT * FROM sz3jp_languages 1 × SELEZIONA b. id DA sz3jp_usergroups come LEFT JOIN sz3jp_usergroups AS b ON b. lft & lt; = A. lft E b. rgt & gt; = a. rgt 1 × selezionare 'session_id` da `` sz3jp_session 1 × SELECT id, governa da `sz3jp_viewlevels 1 × cartella selezionata come tipo, come elemento nome, params DA sz3jp_extensions 1 × selezionare 'data` da `` sz3jp_session 1 × SELEZIONA m. id, m. menutype, m. title, m. alias, m. note, m. path AS percorso, m. link, m. type, m. level, m. language, m. browserNav, m. Accesso, m. params, m. home, m. img, m. template_style_id, m. component_id, m. parent_id, e. element come componente dalla sz3jp_menu AS m LEFT JOIN sz3jp_extensions come e ON m. component_id = e. extension_id 1 × SELECT id, casa, modello, s. params DA sz3jp_template_styles come s LEFT JOIN sz3jp_extensions l'e ON e. element = s. template E e. type = 'modello' E e. client_id = s. client_id Altri tavoli:

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